Did you plan rest in winter, and want to get in a summer, where is a hot sun, sea and sand? What does offer турфирмы?
Temperature of air in winter on the average 25 degrees. A temperature of water in the Red sea is 22 degrees. Cost of journey : from 250-300 dollars on a man.
Pluses of rest are in Egypt:
Excellent correlation is price-quality.
Facilitated visa regime for the citizens of Russia, monthly visa which costs 15$, it is possible to buy in an airport.
A red sea is the surprizing living world, place of pilgrimage of дайверов.
Egyptian pyramids - for the sake of them it is also needed to visit Egypt.
Most hotels of Egypt offer a feed on a chart "all is included", and it 4-6 valid for one occasion feed plus drinks, including alcoholic.
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Much карманников is on streets.
Sometimes excessive obtrusiveness of Egyptians, especially in relation to young girls.
United Arab Emirates
A temperature of air is 25-28 degrees. A temperature of water is 18-19 degrees. Cost of journey : from 700 dollars on a man.
Pluses of rest are in ОАЭ:
high quality service,
comfortable hotels,
clean sandy beaches,
enormous discounts (to 80%) during February шоппинг of festival in Dubai.
Features of rest are in Malaysia
smoking is forbidden in public places,
strong waters it is forbidden to use only in a hotel number
journey during a sacred month Рамазан will walk up only to those, who wants to become thin, you will have to hold back from a meal, drinks and smoking in the day-time together with locals,
to the young unmarried women in a visa it can be said no in ОАЭ.
Cuba. Used for setting fire rhythms of сальсы, rich colours: light-blue sea, emerald sky, pied paints of orchids, gold sands, making drunk cocktails is all waits you on Cuba.
Temperature of air in winter 22-24 degrees. Temperature of water in the Caribbean sea 26 degrees. Cost of journey : from 1300 dollars on a man.
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Pluses of rest on Cuba:
facilitated visa regime for the citizens of Russia,
ten year rum can be bought for 8-10 dollars for a bottle,
fairy-tale submarine m
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